Superyacht Stewardess

The Rose Plant

The Rose Plant

Roses are one of the most beautiful, traditional and lovely smelling fragrance flowers that you can admire in any garden.

All that this plant requires is some proper attention and care to blossom, giving you their full potentials of adding colour, fragrance, and happiness to your home or even your office.

The rose plant is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa. It came from the family Rosaceae, and there are over three hundred thousand species of the Rose plant.

Most of the species of this plant are native to Asia while some species are native to Europe, North America, and Northwestern Africa.

The Rose plant come in different sizes from compact to miniature rose and to the climber that reach even meter in height.

Their flowers also vary in shapes, sizes, and colour that add glamour and beauty to the plant and it’s surrounding.

Rose Var

Rose Varieties

There are lots of varieties of this beautiful plant as earlier said, but we would only take a look at very few of them.

  • The Hybrid Tea: This is one of the most popular types of rose grown. It blossoms like an upright bush that grows one flower per stem. You probably would have come across them because they are prevalent in all regions.
  • Floribunda: This is the most colourful type of rose variety available. They bloom freely in a bushy shrub-like manner, creating clusters of three to fifteen blooms rather than one flower on a stem.
  • Grandiflora: This variety of the rose plant is a mixture of the floribunda and the hybrid tea. It grows up to six feet tall and creates a classic hybrid flower cluster.
  • Climber roe: This rose adds fragrance to any garden and is typically grown on a fence. They have the potential to cover pillars, walls or just any structure that gives support to them.
  • Tree Roe: This variety of the rose plant is known for its hardy rock stock. The tree rose is visually stunning, and it takes more care for it to survive during the winter.
  • The Miniature Rose: This is the smallest of the rose plant, and they can grow just anywhere from six inches to feet tall. They flower continuously and are a very excellent variety of the rose plant for a container or potted garden.

The uses of the Rose plant cannot be overemphasized. They are best known as ornamental plants cultivated for their fragrance and beautiful flower in gardens.

They are also used commercially for the production of perfume, commercial cut flower crops and as landscape plants. The rose hip is also used in the production of medicines as a secondary source of vitamin C.

The Rose plant would only do well in a location that provides them with good quality sunshine, enough paces to blossom, well-drained soil and proper shelter to protect them from strong winds.

Give your Rose garden the quality rose care it requires and let it marvel you with its beautiful wonders.

Roses On Board a Superyacht

Roses are an important visual asset on a yacht. The beautify the interior and the exterior. They make any cabin appealing to the guests. Also, you can spice the bedrooms with some rose flowers. The following instructions have been written for taking care of potted roses plants onboard a superyacht.

Water the roses

Roses love water. To have healthy roses, you need to water them regularly. The best time is in the morning and evenings. The flowers will absorb the generous amount.

During this time, it is not sunny. Hence, water will not evaporate.  They should soak up to 2 inches deep. This way, the beautiful roses get adequate moisture. Tap water is an easy and excellent choice.

Place them under the sun

Roses needs some sunlight. This will make them bloom and look great. The sun will also give them an incredible look. It will also reduce the chances of roses getting any diseases.

Roses do well under the sun. In addition to that, the leaves get dry warding off any fungi. The ideal time to take them out is in the morning. They will enjoy the mild sunlight. The vitamin D will make them look breath-taking.

Add some fertilizer

Yes, you will have to carry some fertilizer on board. The pot plants will need it to grow well.

The potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorous is good for their growth. Thus, you can be able to pluck some for your interior decor. Epsom salt can work some magic too.

It will make the plants stronger. You can do this once in 3 weeks. You will see great plants when you add fertilizer.

Prune them

Pruning the roses removes unwanted parts. An example is the misrouted stems. They tend to cause a bad growing pattern.

You can look at those plants that grow outward. Then, using sharp equipment cut them off. You should be careful as you cut them. Wear protective gloves to protect your hands. To top it up, look for the brown canes and cut them off. This will give a chance to new ones to grow.

Avoid touching the roses

Roses are irresistible and eye-catching. However, you shouldn’t touch them. You can also encourage other crew members not to touch. This is because the oil from our hands isn’t friendly. They can make the roses to dry up. They will decompose very fast. They are delicate and should be treated with sensitivity.

If you have to cut the stems, remember to wear gloves.

Rose Care Tips For Cut Roses

  • Remove any leaves or foliage that lies below the water line
  • Like other stemmed flowers, cut the stem at a 45-degree angle for immediate water absorption
  • Add the flower food to lukewarm water
  • Place the flowers into the vase and arrange.
  • Make sure you do not overcrowd the vase
  • Change the water, clean the vase and add new plant food every 2 3 days
  • Keep your cut roses away from direct sunlight and in a cool spot. This is hard to do on a yacht, but by doing this the roses should last about 7 days


Rose care on a yacht is as simple as that. You should give the rose enough water. Also, add fertilizer to the pots. Some grooming will make them healthy.

No one should touch the roses with bare hands. They will fade away so quickly. From time to time, let them get sunlight. When you do this, you will have a constant supply of roses.

Related Articles: How to Take Care of an Orchid



How to Take Care of an Orchid

How to Take Care of an Orchid

As a Superyacht Stewardess, you will be required to take care of many flowers and plants onboard.

The orchid is a  humble yet exquisite flower and it will be right on top of the list of plants to take care of, as many superyacht interior designers and stewardesses just love them.

This may be because the beautiful orchid can complement any colour scheme and it will bloom for weeks on end.

Caring for the delicate orchid flower may look like a challenging task, but taking care of Orchids is not that complicated, in fact, it’s quite easy. And Just because it’s different from traditional potted flowers, many stewardesses think that they are far too delicate to have on a yacht, however, in my experience, this simply is not the case.

But people are afraid of them. So, if you’re looking for the best orchid care there are a few important tips you need to know to help make it easier to care for the indoor plant.

Orchid Care Tips to Keep Them Alive and Healthy

What are Orchids?

Orchids are epiphytes or “air plants”. This means that the Orchid flower doesn’t grow in the dirt but rather by clinging on to tree barks and roots. They get most of their nutrients from detritus which gather around their roots.

Orchid flowers aren’t rooted in soils in the wild. So, if you want the best Orchid flowers these facts are important to consider. With the right care, Orchid flowers can blossom and live virtually forever.

Most Orchids die mainly because of overwatering due to the misconception that plants only need water to survive longer. This is, in fact, the opposite when it comes to Orchid flowers because, in the wild, they don’t sit in wet soil because the flowers’ roots will rot and die since it cannot absorb water and nutrients.

So, when it comes to Orchid flowers, the less the water the better.

Orchid Flower - Superyacht Stewardess

Orchids are tropical plants and need four things to thrive on the yacht, these are:
  1. Partial light
  2. Consistent watering
  3. Warm temperature
  4. Fertiliser
Watering tips

Place 2-5 ice cubes around the roots of the indoor plant at least once a week and allow them to melt into the pot.  Many stewardesses place the ice on the crown (on the top of the leaves in the centre).

This is a fundamental error because wone the ice melts, it can pool around the leaves which in turn will rot them over time.

To test if there is enough water in the soil, dip two fingers into the soil, pull them out, then rub the fingers together. If the soil is dry, then you can add more water, but if it’s moist, then there’s probably enough water for the Orchid flowers.

Temperature and Lighting Tips

Air conditioning can dry the soil, so it’s wise to keep checking from time to time to ensure proper moist levels.   Spraying the flower with water is bad since spraying the plant with water turns the flower brown and rot.

In case of dusty leaves use cotton wool dipped in milk to wipe the leaves. The leaves will feed on the milk and as a bonus, will make the leaves glossy.

Don’t place the Orchid flowers close to direct sunlight, a fan, or air conditioner. But once in a while, get them outside for some moments near the sunlight but not in direct sunlight, away from the air-conditioned yacht for a fresher flower.

Some Orchid flowers bloom in humid areas like restrooms.   Orchid flowers flourish in humid areas, like out in the sea or a bathroom. But remember that too much moisture with little air movement can make the Orchid flower vulnerable to rot. You must achieve a decent balance of airflow and humidity for optimum Orchid care.

Most orchids need moderate to warm temperature constantly. For the best Orchid Care, you should ensure the temperature doesn’t fall below 15 degrees Celsius. During the day, the best temperature for the indoor plants is between 22 to 25 degrees Celsius for the best Orchid Care.

Ceiling lights in the superyacht will undoubtedly not have enough light for the Orchid flower so you should place the plant near a window for natural sunlight but ensure the plant isn’t exposed to direct sunlight.

Other Orchid Care Tips

You should never let the Orchid flowers touch anything. If the Orchid flowers touch something like a wall, it completely harms the delicate flowers’ leaves and petals.

Orchid bark is most probably the best the best material to plant the Orchid flowers in. Remember that Orchids should not be planted inside the soil to avoid root rot and to allow the root to have enough oxygen to live.

Since some superyachts Orchids are potted in moss you should ensure the moss is dry before rewetting it since it’s so easy to over water the flowers in the moss. If you’re not sure, you can just go with bark instead.

Orchid plants can live for a long time but it depends on whether they have roots or not.

Good luck with taking care of the of the beautiful Orchid flowers, and hopefully, you feel more confident when handling these amazing flowers.

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